Five Presenting Tips for Conference Speakers

Speaking at a professional industry conference is an effective way to share your expertise, boost your profile, and build your network. When you are ready to seize the opportunity to share your knowledge with the industry, here are five tips to help you feel like a confident speaker.
Know your audience
When you know your audience, you can tailor the content of your presentation to their needs and interests. You’ll be able to add in stories, examples, and takeaways making your presentation memorable and relevant.
Use an animated voice
When you show excitement about a topic, your audience will feel it too. Speak confidently and with energy to focus listeners’ attention.
Choose pictures over text
The fewer words you have on your handouts and slides, the more your audience will pay attention to you. Use visuals, infographic, and images whenever possible in your materials rather than large blocks of texts or bullets.
Pay attention to body language
A confident, comfortable stance helps you create the sense you’re in command of the room. Do use your hands to illustrate key points, and if space allows, use the space on the stage or in the room, too.
Practice a lot
Even the most natural public speakers practice thoroughly before presenting in public. Practicing in front of a mirror, video, or willing colleagues can help you feel more solid.
2020 HRSWC Call for Speakers
Would you like to share your expertise with an engaged audience of professionals from around the country? The HRSouthwest Conference is now accepting proposals for our 2020 conference, October 4 – 7 at the Fort Worth Convention Center. We invite subject matter experts, thought leaders, and authors to engage, empower and energize attendees in sessions. Conference organizers welcome a variety of topics relevant to HR professionals.
Becoming a Speaker
Potential speakers are carefully evaluated on the merits of their proposed topics as well as on their expertise and credentials. While HRSWC does not accept submissions for keynote speakers, proposals for educational sessions are welcomed. Proposals are evaluated on several factors, including:
• Relevance and value of topic to attendees and the HR professional
• Originality and educational value
• Speaker credentials and subject matter expertise
• Reference checks
• Evaluations from previous appearances at HRSWC, if applicable
• Relevant public speaking experience at professional conferences, seminars, and workshops
If interested, please submit a proposal online. You will also be asked to indicate the name(s) of any co-speakers at the time of proposal submission. If selected, you will be notified by early May with a date and time for your session. We do offer speakers a complimentary full registration to the HRSouthwest Conference.
The HRSouthwest Conference
The HRSouthwest Conference, founded in 1941, is recognized as the official State of Texas SHRM Conference and is one of the largest regional human resources events in the United States. Hosting more than 2,400 participants annually, the Conference provides human resource professionals and those who supply products and services to the HR industry a place to network, attend education, earn recertification credits and get business done in the Marketplace. The HRSouthwest Conference is powered by DallasHR, the third largest affiliate chapter of SHRM with more than 2,300 members.